Some Interesting Facts About Tigers

Fact About Tiger

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest living cat species and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its dark vertical stripes on orange-brown fur with a lighter underside. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and wild boar. It is territorial and generally a solitary but social predator, requiring large contiguous areas of habitat, which support its requirements for prey and rearing of its offspring. Tiger cubs stay with their mother for about two years, before they become independent and leave their mother's home range to establish their own. 

1. Tigers love to swim and play in the water

Tigers love to swim

Unlike the domestic cats, its larger version enjoy spending time in the water and they love to swim for hours. Since cubs, female Tigers encourage or help learn the art of hunting, they even have the ability to kill in the water. And as adults, it is said that they can swim for several kilometres and even have reported one to swim for 30 km in just a day. 

2. Tiger cubs are born blind and only half of the cubs survive

Tiger cubs are born blind

The saddest part is that Tiger cubs are born blind and only a few survive. Literally, the newborn cubs can't see anything, they only follow the scent of their mother. Since they are born blind and can't keep up, most of them die of hunger or cold. Some even get eaten by male Tigers to make the Tigress available for mating. That’s just insane! 

3. Tigers have antiseptic saliva

Tigers have antiseptic saliva

Perhaps, a good side of Tigers is that they have antiseptic saliva, so whenever you get a bruise and want to disinfect them, visit the doctor Tiger, just kidding! Usually what they do is, they tend to lick the area in order to prevent any infection. 

4. Tigers can run at over 60 kilometre/hour

Tigers can run 60 km/hr

Not the fastest runner in the animal kingdom but the fact that Tigers have very strong legs makes them sprint more or less than 60 kilometres per hour, but it is only possible for short distances. 

5. Tigers urine smells like buttered popcorn


Here’s an interesting fact, the smell that emits from Tigers urine smells like buttered popcorn, don’t get tempted because it also signifies a warning sign to the intruders in their territory.